The Research and Development Department of Matsuda Group is the first in Brazil, with private investment in the sector of forage grasses and legumes. The result of the dedication and commitment of the company, researchers, partners, and collaborators, has been the launch of several widely known and successfully used materials throughout the country, such as MG18 Aries II (2020), MG12 Paredao (2015), MG5 Vitoria (2000), and others
MG18 Aries II 2020
Due to its excellent nutritional quality, palatability, and medium size, it has a wide suitability for various categories and species of animals, being recommended for all stages of milk and meat production, as well as for horses, goats, and sheep.
MG11 Tijuca 2016
It is recommended for poorly drained soils and of medium to low fertility, thus being a good option to replace Humidicola in these areas. Compared to Humidicola, it has the advantage of presenting better nutritional quality and the seeds not having dormancy.
MG7 Tupã 2016
It is a forage recommended for soils with medium to low fertility, shallow and also gravelly soils. It is a great option for drier regions.
MG12 Paredao 2015
The Paredao grass stands out for its excellent forage production and nutritional quality, being recommended for milk and meat production in the stages of breeding, rearing, and fattening. It is suitable for high-fertility soils, corrected and fertilized, in an intensive rotational grazing system with resting intervals of 25-28 days. It can also be used for silage.
MG13 Braúna 2015
Braúna is recommended for soils with medium to high fertility. The more prostrate growth of its tussock (decumbent), its thinner stems, and good regrowth facilitate the management of this grass, in addition to the good soil coverage.
Atlas 2003
Recommended for high fertility soils. Due to its good tolerance to soil aluminum, it has a strong root system development, providing the cultivar with excellent regrowth and good adaptation to drought.
Java 2003
It is a legume recommended for low fertility soils. It has good adaptation/symbiosis with various types of soil *Rhizobium*, therefore high absorption of atmospheric nitrogen, and when ingested by cattle provides excellent nutritional quality feed (18 to 23% CP).
MG-5 Vitória 2000
It is a Brachiaria with excellent potential for forage production (up to 18 t/ha/year of dry matter). It is recommended for soils of medium to high fertility. It has tolerance to poorly drained soils or short-term flooding.
Capim Elefante Paraiso 1999
It is the first seed-propagated hybrid of elephant grass. A cultivar with high potential for forage production (up to 50 t/ha/year of dry matter). Recommended for high-fertility soils, corrected and fertilized.
Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo MG100 1995
Peanut forage is recommended for intercropping with low-growing forages. It has good palatability and nutritional quality (15 to 22% CP).
MG 4 1994
Recommended for soils of medium fertility for breeding, rearing, and fattening of cattle, as well as for milk production. Can be used for direct grazing and haymaking.
Dictyoneura (Llanero) 1992
Recommended for medium to low fertility soils, sandy, acidic, and with excess moisture.