To achieve uniform pasture or straw formation free from other weeds, it is necessary to calculate the correct sowing density, which takes into account the attributes of seed lot quality. Therefore, the information regarding these attributes provided on the packaging labels must be reliable.
With this in mind, the Matsuda Group established a Seed Analysis Laboratory over three decades ago, providing various seed-related services for the company itself and third-party clients. The laboratory is duly registered and accredited by RENASEM-MAPA, with a scope that includes all forage seeds marketed by the Matsuda Group. The Matsuda Seed Analysis Laboratory has also been accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) since 2006, which establishes international analysis rules that facilitate trade between countries.
Both the accreditation and the ISTA accreditation are the result of work, dedication, technical knowledge, training and improvement, implemented quality control system, and appreciation of analysts and collaborators. Thus, issuing reliable seed analysis results, which ensure the quality of the forage seeds marketed.