The Encrusted MIX Seeds are developed with the technology of the GOLD+ Encrusted Seed Series, bringing to the rural producer the best of pasture seed technology. Only seeds of high purity are used for encrustation, which are processed in the Seed Processing Unit using various equipment that select them based on differences in size, weight, and even color, using machines with photoelectric sensors. All seeds undergo a scarification process, which increases the purity percentage of the batch and eliminates seeds with low vigor or poor formation. The seeds already come protected with fungicides.

The purpose of combining different species and cultivars in the same pasture is to group individual characteristics of each one and obtain a superior combined result. Despite Matsuda Group's intensive investment in research and development of cultivars, there is no material that is suitable for all different climatic conditions, soils, topography, management, and animal species and categories.

Through the consortium of forage species, it is possible to improve pasture characteristics such as forage production, regrowth, soil coverage, nutritional quality, resistance/tolerance to pest and disease attacks, adaptation to climatic conditions, topography, and soil, nutrient cycling, and others.

The species and cultivars combined in the MIX seed batch are visibly differentiated due to distinct coloration for each of the forage grasses. In the case of grass-legume consortia, the seeds do not have specific coloration for distinction of materials because their seeds have different shapes.


  • Uniformity of seed mixture
  • Increased forage production and quality
  • Greater resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases
  • Better adaptation to climate, topography, and soil
  • High-purity seeds
  • More vigor
  • More uniform germination
  • Less dormancy
  • Good flowability in the seeder
  • Protected against storage and soil fungi
  • Allows the option of insecticide application
  • Free from nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera glycine, and Pratylenchus brachyurus
  • More security
  • Environmentally friendly

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