Matsuda Top Bezerro Precoce
Ready-to-use protein-energy mineral supplement with ionophore and prebiotics, aiming at intestinal health, for suckling calves in a creep-feeding system.
Matsuda Top Bezerro
Protein-energy mineral supplement with additives, ready for use, containing ionophore and prebiotics, aiming at intestinal health, for nursing calves in a creep-feeding system.
Matsuda Top Bezerro Desmama
Protein-energy mineral supplement with additives, ready for use, containing ionophore and prebiotics, aiming at intestinal health, for nursing calves in a creep-feeding system. It should be provided 30 days before the expected weaning date and continue for 30 days after weaning.
Matsuda Fós Pampa Terneiro Precoce
Ready-to-use protein-energy mineral supplement, enriched with ionophore and prebiotics, aimed at intestinal health, for nursing calves in a creep-feeding system.